- Short Journey Times
- Direct to Destination
- Delivery High Payloads
- Minimal Infrastructure Requirement
The logistics and supply chain of operations must be capable of travelling over amphibious terrain. As you move towards the heart of disaster zones to provide humanitarian aid, the risk to human lives inevitably increases commensurately with the complexity of organising the logistics to respond with life support in often devastated area. Humanitarian disasters caused by extreme weather such as tsunamis and hurricanes devastate civilian populations in peacetime, destroying infrastructure isolating the vulnerable.
Hovercraft with large payloads can be utilised to deliver vehicles, personnel and supplies in high volume quickly over damaged environments that boats cannot lift and helicopters cannot land in. These craft can be used to deliver what is needed to exactly where it is needed whilst also being able to get those who are in danger out.
Griffon hovercraft have the ability to deliver troops and equipment rapidly across a beach, regardless of the state of tide or nature of the surface. This means the troops and equipment will disembark safely on to dry land. The Griffon Hoverwork range can be configured for carrying cargo and vehicles up to 22.5 tonnes, as well as being configured to carry differing levels of weaponry and ballistic protection to suit a clients requirements.
In 2010 the unprecedented floods in Pakistan were caused by a climatically extreme annual monsoon in the Indus River Basin. Affecting an estimated 20 million people over an area the size of England, Pakistan faced one of the worst humanitarian situations the country had ever seen. The vast amounts of water overran flood defences whilst ripping up roads and transport networks, leaving pockets of isolated individuals scattered across the uncharted, debris filled flood zone.
Having purchased a series of 2000TD hovercraft from Griffon, Pakistan was positioned to provide the much-needed relief the population was desperately waiting for. With 2 tonnes of pay-load hovering over the fast-flowing and debris strewn flood water, at speeds of up to 34 knots these craft provided the vital link between the help and the helpless. Commenting on her experience in 2010, journalist Jane Corbin noted how in the flooded streets where hidden hazards would snag boat propellers or hulls, hovercraft “travelled the area by the only means possible... no helicopter could land there either” over power-lines and other debris. Travelling along with a doctor, the craft “landed on a patch of exposed ground, people clustered around and although it was clear that many were sick it was equally clear that what they really needed was food”.
Since the 2010 floods, in 2014, Griffon supplied two larger 10 Tonne payload, vehicle carrying 8100TDs to Pakistan increasing their versatile amphibious response capability for the future. “People clustered around and although it was clear that many were sick it was equally clear that what they really needed was food”
With the country extending far enough north to enter the Arctic Circle Sweden is dominated by unforgiving environments of frozen natural landscapes. For the military however, it is business as usual as they continue to develop and innovate arctic operations.
To enable effective security and protection to all its territory the Swedish Amphibious Battalion needed a large, fast craft to carry troops, vehicles and equipment effectively to otherwise inaccessible locations. With these requirements hovercraft became the ideal solution to combat the harsh frozen conditions. Three specialised Griffon 8100TD hovercraft were purchased by the Swedish Government to meet the strategic and operational demands of the future meeting speeds of up to 40 knots whilst carrying payloads of 10 tonnes. Bow ramps were added to this military hovercraft so that light armoured vehicles such caterpillar track all terrain BV-206s could be accommodated if and when they were needed.
Climate change continues to alter the dynamics in the Arctic circle and Baltic Sea with the melting sea ice giving way to emerging shipping lanes, water hazards and evolving geo-politics. With these craft, built for transitional environments, the Swedish Amphibious Battalion is ensuring their ability to function is stronger than ever during environmental transition.