Winner of the Maritime UK Solent International Trade and Partnership Award 2024
Health and Safety Policy and Procedures
Make the inaccessible accessible

Safety in the workplace is a top priority at Griffon Hoverwork Ltd and we strive to reduce injuries and occupational illness to as near to zero as possible. As a demonstration of our commitment, we hold certification to OHSAS 45001:2018, an internationally recognised occupational health and safety management system, by the external certification body Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance (LRQA).


This management system ensures that:


  • We have a systematic approach to managing risk, identifying, assessing and minimising health and safety hazards and risks and associated impact on employees, contractors, visitors and neighbouring businesses;
  • We also identify and assess risks which have the potential to become an incident and encourage our workforce to report "near misses", in order to prevent these situations occurring;
  • Legal requirements relating to health and safety are met or exceeded; covering areas such as legionella, asbestos and ventilation and extraction;
  • We place emphasis on occupational health factors, such as exposure limits, hearing conservation and health surveillance, to ensure our workforce is fit to work and long term health risks are minimised;
  • There is a strong focus on personal safety, including minimising risk when working at height, using machinery and working in confined spaces.

Our Health and Safety Policy defines our specific focus and standards.