Griffon Hoverwork Technical Support Engineers regularly deploy around the global to support our customers with all of their specialist engineering requirements. Recently a large team worked in Japan for 6 weeks to support Oita Daiichi Hoverdrive to repair Oita Prefecture’s 12000TD hovercraft BAIEN which was crashed earlier in the year.

The hovercraft required a propeller overhaul, structural repairs to the carbon fibre duct, a new lift system airbox, new piping systems and minor structural repairs to the hull and sidedecks. A significant amount of design work and liaison with the Japanese marine Regulator was carried out before the deployment and many parts were manufactured in the UK before being shipped to Japan for installation.
The project was delivered on time and the hovercraft is now ready to return to sea when approved by the local marine Regulator. The GHL Technical Support Engineers have the skills to deploy to take on similar major engineering projects in larger teams or travel alone to provide specialist diagnostics, advice or training anywhere in the world.