From the dense habitats of South America to the frozen seas of the Arctic in every corner of the globe there is a need to access areas where conventional craft cannot reach. With the global environment changing at record pace through rising sea levels and extreme weather events the future need to travel over and transition between land and sea will become more crucial than ever.
We believe all environments of transition and the communities who live within them should be reachable in an effective, environmentally sustainable, and affordable way.
Griffon Hoverwork Ltd has led the world in the technical development of hovercraft since their conception, patented by the English inventor Sir Christopher Cockerel in 1954. From large to small, we provide military, rescue, and commercial hovercraft built to class offering payloads between 380kg to 150 tonnes. Our craft operate and are supported in over 41 countries across all environments with world leading organisations including the Canadian Coast Guard, the Colombian Navy and the United Kingdom's Royal Marines.
By flying at high speed up to 1.8m over the ground the obstacles and shallows on the surface that restrict other vehicles can be overcome. They can take the most direct route to where they are needed with resources in high volume providing versatile, stable platforms for the protection of lives and delivery of objectives. For over 50 years a design and engineering led company philosophy has continued to guide us in developing innovative marine technology that now extend beyond hovercraft to flexible, lightweight marine structures and high-speed boats.
For whether you need to bring resources in or get people out of challenging environments, we deliver everything that is needed to exactly where it is needed, when it is needed.
Our hovercraft are used for:
- Search & rescue
- Logistics and cargo carrying
- Survey work and civil engineering support
- Passenger ferries
- Coastal, ice and airport crash rescue
- Mobile medical clinics

Our hovercraft are used for:
- Border patrol and surveillance
- Policing and customs duties
- Marine interdiction and infra structure security
- Weapons platforms, troop carriers and logistics vehicles

Quality of our products and services are paramount to ensure that our customers recive what they deserve. In order to maintain this focus, we have held ISO 9001 accreditation for a number of years to safeguard that:
- Our products are built to classification and meet or exceed defined quality and regulatory standards.
- We employ the very best within the maritime and aerospace industry, whilst investing in the development of our staff so that our passionate, forward thinking company ethos continues to drive us.
- We strive for engineering excellence and innovation combined with proven technology to provide customers modern, reliable marine solutions.
- Our working practices and processes are regularly audited by independent organisations to ensure compliance and facilitate continual improvement.

Our Parent Company
Owned and supported by the Bland Group, the company has achieved strong growth. We relocated our main manufacturing facility from Hythe to Merlin Quay, Southampton UK at the beginning of 2011, in order to increase our manufacturing capacity. We now use lean techniques to design and manufacture high quality hovercraft for practical applications.